Thursday, December 8, 2011

Pawikan Sanctuary in Maitum is a must visit for all tourist!

It is a nice feeling to see that nature is taken cared of, especially the Pawikans (Sea Turtles)which has a nestling snctuary in the area. We could see that they are well taken cared of until they are big enough to go back to the vast Sarangani Bay to their freedom.

The experience I felt while letting go a baby Pawikan Sea Turtles to the vast sea was . .. .  I just can’t explain the joy to see the small sea turtles raising to the water along the shore to their freedom. Home at last for the sea turtles!

Thanks a lot for the SEX Tour   organizer Avel Manasala of   with the teamed up of Ganda Ever So Much together with the Soccsksargen Bloggers or Sox Bloggers


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